MYL - Wohnungsbau in Myllypuro
The cell is the smallest link in the natural chain of human life. According to "Wikipedia Encyclopaedia" a cell division is "the process of a biological cell (mother cell) dividing into two daughter cells. This leads to growth in multicellular organisms and to procreation in unicellular organisms".
The intended development proposal for the site near Myllypuro follows similar evolution principles. The "mother cell" is one singular module with the dimensions 4 by 8 by 3 metres. This "mother module" contains specific information such as its dimensions, its construction principle its function and its materiality. It demonstrates the genetic program. To control the growth of the modules, rules and regulations have to be defined to insure that the inhabitants of the single modules can live in a symbiosis without disturbing oneanother.
As in nature controlled growth leads to an unique human species. The simple basic module can "grow" both in horizontal and in vertical direction and can therefore create a multiplicity of different housing types. The arrangement of the modules and the regulations for the facades allow a maximum of privacy with a minimum of space consumption. Along small roads which follow the contour lines many dense low-rise villages can emerge step by step without defining the exact position of each module. Each of those "wooden villages" has a great potential to create their own urban or suburban identity and a possibility for identification.
The "controlled principle of random" allows flexibility in the urban development without creating chaos. Each village is seen as a "multicellular organism". In order to control the building density the whole plot is divided into 6 control- corridors, each of them have a regulation for a range of allowed floor area and plot ratio. Interaction among the villages is guaranteed by elevated walkways called "village connectors". Social interchange within the village can happen either on the low-traffic village road or on the semi-private gardens in the building block.